‘Wiltonii’ blue rug juniper
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’
One of the best trailing junipers with uniform growth habit and intense silver-blue evergreen foliage … Continued
These low-growing plants will spread and require minimal maintenance. Living mulch also provides “soft landings” for insects that overwinter and lay eggs in tree canopies, an essential part of the native food web.
Shrubs, grasses and clumping perennials can also be used as a ground cover when planted in mass. For example, daylilies can be used to cover large expanses or slopes. Some shrubs like Japanese garden juniper or variegated glossy abelia can serve this function, as well as ornamental grasses or self-seeding annuals.
To create the ultimate soft landing for wildlife use native plants and consider combinations of plants rather than a monoculture.
To figure the number of plants needed for your project, multiply the square footage of the bed by the spacing multiplier. Choose spacing based on how fast you want to cover the area and/or the mature width of the plant selected.
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’
One of the best trailing junipers with uniform growth habit and intense silver-blue evergreen foliage … Continued
Juniperus sabina ‘Skandia’
A dwarf, prostrate, low-spreading, evergreen conifer that typically grows to 12-18″ tall but spreads to … Continued
Lamiastrum galeobdolon
‘Herman’s Pride’ has dark green leaves are overlaid with silver veining. Densing mounding plants grow … Continued
Lamium maculatum
‘Beacon Silver’ is tough yet showy perennial groundcover. This classic selection forms a spreading patch … Continued
Liriope spicata
Grassy texture, but not a grass at all — actually, it’s a member of the … Continued
Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'
Grassy texture, but not a grass at all — actually, it’s a member of the … Continued
Lysimachia clethroides
Arching spikes of white flowers have a graceful crook that gives them the look of … Continued
Lysimachia nummularia
Round, green leaves create a low-growing mat with small yellow flowers. ‘Aurea’ is a bright … Continued
Mazus reptans
This low-growing, mat-forming perennial features rosettes of lance-shaped toothed leaves spreading quickly and blooming from … Continued
Melissa officinalis
Leaves have an almost metallic golden sheen. Otherwise similar to standard lemon balm with lemony … Continued
Mentha arvensis
Tiered clusters of small white flowers open along stems in summer and continue through fall, … Continued
Mertensia virginica
Clusters of trumpet-shaped blue flowers open in early spring. Flower buds are pink and emerge … Continued