ivy geraniums
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Contessa'
Trailing plants grow 2-3′ and look great with many other annual companions in containers, window … Continued
• Spillers are trailing plants that hang over the edge of the planter
• Spillers are placed close to the edge of the container
• If the container is going to be viewed from all sides, Spillers should be placed on all sides
• If the container is going to be viewed from only one side, Spillers should be placed in the front of the container
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Contessa'
Trailing plants grow 2-3′ and look great with many other annual companions in containers, window … Continued
Epipremnum aureum 'Aureum'
These plants grow in a wide range of environments, in bright indirect light as well … Continued
Cissus rhombifolia 'Ellen Danica'
Plant climbs with tendrils. Grow in loamy, fertile, well-draining soil. It tolerates full sun to … Continued
Philodendron oxycardium
This climbing vine is a workhorse air cleaner, particularly good at battling formaldehyde from sources … Continued
Hedera algeriensis
With much larger leaves than English ivy, Algerian ivy foliage is deep dark green with … Continued
Hedera helix non-hardy species
Native to Europe, Scandinavia, and Russia and brought to the U.S. by colonial settlers, ivy are … Continued
Hedera helix 'Thorndale'
Creamy-white veins cover extra large, lustrous green leaves on vigorous vines that make excellent evergreen … Continued
Ipomea batatas 'Marguerite'
‘Marguerite’ has heat and drought tolerant tumbling vines grow 3-6′ long and contrast beautifully with … Continued
Ipomea batatas 'Ace of Spades'
‘Ace of Spades’ has almost black, heart-shaped foliage makes gorgeous container, hanging basket and bedding … Continued
Ipomea batatas 'Bronze'
‘Bronze’ is gorgeous in containers, hanging baskets and bedding companions. In landscapes, these fast-growing vines … Continued
Ipomea batatas 'Tricolor'
With leaves of green edged in ivory and splashed with shades of pink, ‘Tricolor’ makes … Continued
Ipomea batatas 'Blackie'
‘Blackie’ is a deep purple, almost black foliage contrasts beautifully with anything and makes a … Continued