chenille plant
Acalypha pendula
A cool novelty plant with fuzzy red tails that look like woolly caterpillars. Leaves are … Continued
• Spillers are trailing plants that hang over the edge of the planter
• Spillers are placed close to the edge of the container
• If the container is going to be viewed from all sides, Spillers should be placed on all sides
• If the container is going to be viewed from only one side, Spillers should be placed in the front of the container
Acalypha pendula
A cool novelty plant with fuzzy red tails that look like woolly caterpillars. Leaves are … Continued
Angelonia angustifolia ‘Carita Raspberry’
Also called summer snapdragon because of it’s resemblance and excellent heat tolerance. 12-16″ flower-covered spikes … Continued
Sutera grandiflora 'Epic Blue'
A very vigorous, trailing, yet compact and well-branched bacopa, ‘Epic Blue’ has glimmering blue, star-shaped … Continued
Begonia boliviensis x hybrid
The most vigorous trailing begonia on the market, ‘Million Kisses’ is easy to grow pink … Continued
Calibrachoa x hybrida
Grow them in pots, hanging baskets and window boxes. These annuals are known for their … Continued
Ceropega woodii
A trailing succulent-like plant native to South Africa with delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines … Continued
Cotyledon pendens
A beautiful, rare trailing succulent native to South Africa and so named because in its … Continued
Cuphea hybrid
Cigar plants are the perfect addition to pollinator gardens attracting hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Use … Continued
Dichondra argentea
Fantastic silver foliage cascades in mixed containers and hanging baskets. Amazing hot summer foliage!
Doreanthus bellidiformis 'Mezoo Trailing Red'
Mounding plant with succulent green leaves edged with white occasionally accented with button-sized red flowers … Continued
Fragaria virginiana
Ground-hugging foliage produces loose clusters of small, five-petaled flowers followed by tasty, wild strawberries. Found … Continued