tall green milkweed
Asclepias hirtella
Plants grow up to 4′ and produce white flowers. This species prefers medium-wet to dry … Continued
Plants in this group can be found within the borders of Kansas. Please note that plants from different ecoregions of the state can have very different cultural needs. For example, some native Kansas plants indigenous to western Kansas can’t handle eastern Kansas soil and rainfall.
For this reason, it’s best to select plants from the Osage Cuestas of the Central Irregular Plains Ecoregion to find those best suited to our growing conditions.
You can find Douglas County, Kansas native plants linked here.
We grow and sell plants that thrive in our local conditions, so all native Kansas plants listed in this group will perform well in Douglas County and the surrounding area.
Asclepias hirtella
Plants grow up to 4′ and produce white flowers. This species prefers medium-wet to dry … Continued
Asclepias tuberosa
Perennial Plant Association 2017 Perennial Plant of the Year! Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) features showy … Continued
Asclepias tuberosa 'Hello Yellow'
A long-lived, low-maintenance perennial, this yellow flowering selection of our native A. tuberosa was discovered … Continued
Asclepias verticillata
Whorled milkweed blooms later than other milkweeds with white flowers July thru September. The caterpillars … Continued
Berlandiera lyrata
Mounded, gray-green velvety foliage has a chocolate aroma topped by flower heads with yellow rays … Continued
Boltonia asteroides
Small daisy-like flowers open in loose panicles profusely from late summer to early fall. Flowers … Continued
Bouteloua gracilis
A tufted, warm-season native grass with distinctive caterpillar-like seed spikes which hang from one side … Continued
Acer negundo
This hardy, fast-growing native tree can survive dry and extremely cold conditions. Food source for … Continued
Callirhoe bushii
Cousin to purple poppy mallow, Bush’s poppy mallow requires sharply draining soils in full sun … Continued
Callirhoe involucrata
Low-growing mounds of cut-leaves are covered with large, purple, cup-shaped flowers all summer. Can self-seed … Continued
Prunus virginiana
A hardy and colorful native tree is perfect for difficult spots, tolerating heat, cold, wind, … Continued
Carya ovata
A long-lived shade tree with a straight trunk, excellent shade. This Midwest native is named … Continued