Aloe vera
Split open a leaf and apply the clear gel directly to minor burns, wounds, dry … Continued
Aloe vera
Split open a leaf and apply the clear gel directly to minor burns, wounds, dry … Continued
Ocimum sanctum
The true sacred basil grown in India. Clove-scented leaves are used in salads and other … Continued
Borago officinalis
Big fuzzy plant bears uncommonly true-blue flowers which are prized for garnishes and salads from … Continued
Spiny coriander, Ngo gai, Mexican coriander. Tastes like cilantro. Can be frozen or dried. Used … Continued
Cymbopogon citratus
Aromatic grass from southern India. A tropical perennial grown as annual here, it has been … Continued
Eucalyptus cinerea
Fragrant silvery round leaves are used in fresh and dried arrangements. Potted plants grow 24-36” … Continued
Helichrysum italicum 'Dwarf'
Silver-grey needle-like foliage smells like curry-delightful to brush against in the garden. Not commonly used … Continued
Lavandula angustifolia/ x intermedia / x ginginsii
Well-drained soil, winter mulch and a planting site near stone or concrete footing to create … Continued
Levisticum officinale
Large, celery-flavored leaves. Young leaves are used in spring tonic salads, soups, stews, roasts, and … Continued
Petroselinum crispum/Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum
High in Vitamins A and C, and iron. In addition to having a distinctive fresh … Continued