whorled milkweed
Asclepias verticillata
Whorled milkweed blooms later than other milkweeds with white flowers July thru September. The caterpillars … Continued
Ecoregions are areas where ecosystems are generally similar. Mapping has been done in collaboration with EPA regional offices, other Federal and state agencies, and neighboring North American countries “to serve as a spatial framework for the research, assessment, and monitoring of ecosystems and ecosystem components” for the implementation of management strategies.
These maps are useful to gardeners because they provide a more accurate picture than state lines when selecting native plant species for specific locations.
Vinland Valley Nursery is located in the Osage Cuestas section of the Central Irregular Plains, which are part of the larger Great Plains. Baldwin City, Lawrence, Topeka, Ottawa, Leavenworth, Overland Park, and Olathe are all part of our ecoregion.
Asclepias verticillata
Whorled milkweed blooms later than other milkweeds with white flowers July thru September. The caterpillars … Continued
Boltonia asteroides
Small daisy-like flowers open in loose panicles profusely from late summer to early fall. Flowers … Continued
Bouteloua gracilis
A tufted, warm-season native grass with distinctive caterpillar-like seed spikes which hang from one side … Continued
Acer negundo
This hardy, fast-growing native tree can survive dry and extremely cold conditions. Food source for … Continued
Buchloe dactyloides
This drought-tolerant grass requires few mowings each summer to keep neat and trim. Can go … Continued
Callirhoe bushii
Cousin to purple poppy mallow, Bush’s poppy mallow requires sharply draining soils in full sun … Continued
Callirhoe involucrata
Low-growing mounds of cut-leaves are covered with large, purple, cup-shaped flowers all summer. Can self-seed … Continued
Prunus virginiana
A hardy and colorful native tree is perfect for difficult spots, tolerating heat, cold, wind, … Continued
Carex pensylvanica
Low sedge with soft, delicate, arching, semi-evergreen leaves in clumps up to 8″ tall, this … Continued
Carya ovata
A long-lived shade tree with a straight trunk, excellent shade. This Midwest native is named … Continued
Carya illinoinensis
This massive shade tree is the pecan producer of the industry. Lustrous, dark green foliage … Continued
Catalpa speciosa
Showy white flowers, giant heart-shaped leaves, bean-like seed pods. Grows 40–60’ high and 20–40’ wide … Continued