black snakeroot, bugbane
Actaea {Cimicifuga} racemosa 'Chocoholic'
The deepest dark purple upright foliage is contrasted by white, foot-tall bottlebrush blooms late in … Continued
Actaea {Cimicifuga} racemosa 'Chocoholic'
The deepest dark purple upright foliage is contrasted by white, foot-tall bottlebrush blooms late in … Continued
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum'
Densely foliaged fast covering groundcover with silver edged leaves, this easy to grow plant sports … Continued
Aeonium 'Kiwi'
Tricolor rosettes in green and yellow edged in pink are one of the showiest succulents … Continued
Aesculus pavia
Aesculus pavia grows showy, erect, 4-10” long panicles of red, narrow-tubular flowers in spring. Smooth, … Continued
Aesculus glabra
Growing in open spaces, these trees may reach 60’ tall by 30’ wide, but as … Continued
Aesculus parviflora
Aesculus parviflora is easily grown in average soil in part to full shade and features … Continued
Ajuga 'Black Scallop'
Glossy, near-black, scalloped foliage is darkest when planted in full sun. Spikes of deep blue … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Valfredda'
Narrow, burgundy leaves grow only 4″ high and are topped in late spring by purple-blue … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Royalty'
Dark burgundy to black foliage with bright blue flowers makes a great low-mainetance groundcover that … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'
Blue flower spikes in spring above variegated white, green, and burgundy foliage. Tolerant of deep … Continued
Akebia quinata
Oval, glossy dark green leaves grow in clusters of five. Vines produce dangling purple flowers … Continued
Alcea ficifolia
This less-known variety of hollyhock is native to Siberia and was introduced at the end … Continued