snowy tansy, white bouquet
Tanacetum niveum
Fragrant, lacy, silvery foliage topped with a huge bouquet of white daisies. This plant thrives … Continued
Tanacetum niveum
Fragrant, lacy, silvery foliage topped with a huge bouquet of white daisies. This plant thrives … Continued
Tanacetum 'Robinson's Red'
Scarlet-red daisy petals measure 2.5″ wide and surround a bright yellow center. Fine ferny foliage … Continued
Thalictrum delavayi
Lavender flowers with contrasting yellow stamens mass in large, wiry-branched, airy sprays rising above the … Continued
Thalictrum rochebrunianum 'Black Stockings'
Giant sprays of delicate, lavender-purple flowers appear on tall, dark purple stems from mid thru … Continued
Thalictrum aquilegifolium
It’s hard to describe in words how pretty this plant is! Foliage resembles columbine and … Continued
Thermopsis lanceolata
12-18″ spikes of yellow flowers that resemble a lupine or snapdragon. A heat-loving plant native … Continued
Thymus species
Culinary Thymes English thyme/common thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is the most popular variety of culinary thyme, … Continued
Tiarella hybrids
Tiarella ‘Jeepers Creepers’ Fuzzy green leaves with a dramatic black center form a beautifully patterned, … Continued
Tiarella cordifolia
Native, mounding ground cover with foamy white flower stalks in early spring. Mature plants send … Continued
Tradescantia hybrid
‘Sweet Kate’ is a compact, clump-forming, hybrid spiderwort with bright yellow foliage. It typically grows … Continued
Tradescantia ohiensis
Grassy blue-green foliage is covered with true blue blooms from May through July. Grows very … Continued
Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge'
Arching stems with lance-shaped leaves of green and edged in gold are topped in late … Continued