Dianthus ‘Bath’s Pink’ cheddar pinks
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink'
Low growing, silvery-blue mat of foliage spreadst and cascades, creating an evergreen groundcover that produces … Continued
The history of the turfgrass lawn goes back to ancient castles and the need for visibility for security. Fast forward to the 1950s and the middle-class birth of the suburban lawn, and here we are. In our new age of conservation and environmental awareness, alternatives to lawns are beginning to make their way into the mainstream. Collected here are some possibilities to consider when replacing all or a portion of a turfgrass lawn with pollinator-friendly, drought tolerant, no-mow, no chemical “lawnscapes.”
These plants are also:
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink'
Low growing, silvery-blue mat of foliage spreadst and cascades, creating an evergreen groundcover that produces … Continued
Fragaria ‘Lipstick’
Ornamental strawberry with mounded habit and dark green foliage, topped with deep rose red flowers … Continued
Galium odoratum
A shade gardeners friend, this fast growing, beautiful perennial herb sports small white spring flowers … Continued
Iberis sempervirens 'Autumn Snow'
An heirloom favorite, candytuft is a charming plant with excellent drought tolerance. It makes a … Continued
Lamiastrum galeobdolon
‘Herman’s Pride’ has dark green leaves are overlaid with silver veining. Densing mounding plants grow … Continued
Lamium maculatum
‘Beacon Silver’ is tough yet showy perennial groundcover. This classic selection forms a spreading patch … Continued
Liriope muscari 'Big Blue'
Grasslike in appearance and habit, but not a grass at all. Actually, it’s a member … Continued
Liriope spicata
Grassy texture, but not a grass at all — actually, it’s a member of the … Continued
Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'
Grassy texture, but not a grass at all — actually, it’s a member of the … Continued
Lysimachia clethroides
Arching spikes of white flowers have a graceful crook that gives them the look of … Continued
Lysimachia nummularia
Round, green leaves create a low-growing mat with small yellow flowers. ‘Aurea’ is a bright … Continued
Mazus reptans
This low-growing, mat-forming perennial features rosettes of lance-shaped toothed leaves spreading quickly and blooming from … Continued