Hosta ‘Angel Falls’
Hosta 'Angel Falls'
‘Angel Falls’ forms a rounded mound of cascading green leaves that gradually transform to ivory … Continued
One of the best-known plants for shade gardens, hostas are easy to grow in reasonably decent soil with little care once established and sited with protection from sun. Also called plantain lilies, cultivars grow in a diverse variety of foliage shape, color, and size, from miniature hostas for containers to mammoths for dramatic borders.
Miniature: Less then 8 inches tall.
Small: 9-14 inches tall.
Medium: 15-22 inches tall.
Large: 23-29 inches tall.
Giant: 30 inches and above.
Some varieties are more sun tolerant, but even they require protection from afternoon sun.
Hostas look great planted with anything — bleeding hearts, ferns, epimediums, purple foliage plants like coral bells, cohosh and ajuga — their foliage compliments other plants beautifully.
Become a collector of hosta varieties!
Hosta 'Angel Falls'
‘Angel Falls’ forms a rounded mound of cascading green leaves that gradually transform to ivory … Continued
Hosta plantaginea ‘Aphrodite’
This medium-sized hosta sports double white highly fragrant, 6″ long, 4″ wide fantastic flowers on 30″ … Continued
Hosta ‘August Moon’
Bright green heart-shaped corrugated leaves are slug and sun-resistant. Pale lavender flowers in late summer. … Continued
Hosta Shadowland® 'Autumn Frost'
This striking hosta forms a medium-sized mound of showy, frosty blue leaves with extra-wide, bright … Continued
Hosta ‘Awakening Angel’
Forms a loose mound of deep blue foliage. The spear-shaped leaf blade is narrow pointed, … Continued
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Described as one of the best large blue hostas available, ‘Big Daddy’ forms a huge … Continued
Hosta longissima (R. Savory 1985)
Growing 8″h x 21″w, Bitsy Gold makes a great edger. These small hostas have long … Continued
Hosta 'Blue Angel'
Largest of the blue hostas, the pointed, silver-blue leaves form a dense, cascading mound. White, … Continued
Hosta (Deckert 2000)
This miniature hosta has blue, rounded, mounding foliage growing 8”h x 19”w. Pale purple flowers … Continued
Hosta 'Blueberry Muffin'
Medium sized mound of large, blue, rugose, rounded leaves puckered in unusual patterns. Late in … Continued
Hosta ‘Chorus Girl’
Dense clump of cupped and corrugated gold foliage with a nice wax coating in the … Continued
Hosta 'Dancing in the Moonlight'
Leaf edges are ruffled from the tip of the leaf down to the ground. Blue … Continued