1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Brachyscome Blue Zephyr™

Lacy foliage and small, blue daisy-like blooms make great contrasting filler in annual combos. Blooms … Continued


Bracteantha bracteatum {Helichrysum bracteatum}

Strawflowers are excellent for bouquets or in the garden, but are best know for their … Continued


Browallia 'Endless® Illumination'

A beautiful alternative to Impatiens walleriana for shady gardens and patio planters. Brilliant violet purple blooms … Continued

million bells

Calibrachoa x hybrida

Grow them in pots, hanging baskets and window boxes. These annuals are known for their … Continued

Cannova Cannas

Canna Lily

Red-orange, pink, or yellow  blooms over dark purple or deep green foliage makes a dramatic … Continued

‘Happy Carmen’ red canna

Canna x generalis CannaSol™ 'Happy Carmen®'

CannaSol™ cannas are hybridized to produce large flowers, self deadhead, keep a compact growing habit … Continued

popcorn plant

Cassia didymobotrya

Run your hands through the foliage of this plant and release the smell of fresh … Continued


Celosia plumosa

‘Sunday’ is our plumed mix with magenta, yellow, orange, pink, and red plumes all summer … Continued