1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

chenille plant

Acalypha pendula

A cool novelty plant with fuzzy red tails that look like woolly caterpillars. Leaves are … Continued


Amaranthus cruentus 'Oeschberg'

Purple-tinged foliage and eggplant plurple flower spikes make a striking back of border show. A … Continued


Amaranthus caudatus

A staple grain for Mayans, Aztecs, and the Incas, Victorian English gardens took up this … Continued

white dill

Ammi majus

Free-flowering plants bear impressive lacy flower heads 5–6″ across! Beautiful as a bouquet addition. Also … Continued


Angelonia angustifolia

A long blooming annual with outstanding branching habit and strong stems that also make great … Continued

Marguerite daisy


Masses of beautiful yellow flowers at the ends of the stems from early summer to … Continued

bacopa ‘Epic Blue’

Sutera grandiflora 'Epic Blue'

A very vigorous, trailing, yet compact and well-branched bacopa,  ‘Epic Blue’ has glimmering blue, star-shaped … Continued

angel wing begonia

Begonia coccinea

Angel wing begonias prefer bright, indirect light year-round. When wintering indoors, water when the soil dries … Continued

wax begonia

Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum

Drought tolerance for shade! Wax leaf begonias don’t grow too large, topping out at 10-12″ … Continued


Bidens ferulifolia

Vigorous, heat and drought tolerant, covered with bright, sunshiny gold flowers spring to fall, Bidens … Continued