river oats, northern sea oats
Chasmanthium latifolium
Attractive, nodding seed heads make excellent cut arrangement filler. This grass spreads aggressively so choose … Continued
Chasmanthium latifolium
Attractive, nodding seed heads make excellent cut arrangement filler. This grass spreads aggressively so choose … Continued
Corylus avellana 'Contorta' / 'Red Dragon'
Rounded, multi-trunked, typically grows 8-10’ tall, and features, as the name suggests, twisted and spiraling … Continued
Cotoneaster apiculatus
Tiny glossy green leaves densely cover arching branches on this compact, semi-evergreen shrub. Grows into … Continued
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
Chartreuse-green foliage is blushed with coppery-orange and grows 12-18″ tall. The reddish stems add even … Continued
Echinops ritro
Glaucus, yucca-like foliage topped with clusters of blue, globe-shaped flowers in late summer through early … Continued
Eragrostis spectabilis
Masses of reddish-purple panicle blooms are beautiful in large sweeps.
Eragrostis trichodes
A warm-season bunchgrass native from Ohio to Nebraska and south to Louisiana and Texas. Purple-tinted … Continued
Fagus sylvatica
‘Purple Fountain’ (purple weeping) sports round purple leaves that drench cascading branches. An upright form … Continued
Buxus sempervirens 'Green Pillar'
Rapidly growing into a slender column of evergreen up to 9 feet tall while staying … Continued
Hamamelis × intermedia 'Arnold Promise'
Easily grown with consistent moisture in well-drained soils in full sun to part shade, although … Continued
Helianthus maximiliani
State flower of Kansas Clusters of bright yellow flowers in September atop 6-8′ stalks. An … Continued
Helleborus orientalis
Perennial Plant Association 2005 Perennial Plant of the Year! Profuse blooms open in late winter … Continued