Diospyros virginiana
Rounded oval crown, grows to 35-60’ tall. Edible persimmon fruits up to 2” in diameter … Continued
Diospyros virginiana
Rounded oval crown, grows to 35-60’ tall. Edible persimmon fruits up to 2” in diameter … Continued
Dodecatheon meadia
Nodding blooms point upward and away from the pointed red and yellow flower center, resembling … Continued
Phlox pilosa
These long-blooming perennials thrive in rocky or dry open woods, meadows, and prairies. An upright … Continued
Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'
Echinacea ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ grows vivid colors in clear tones of purple, pink, scarlet, yellow, cream, … Continued
Echinacea purpurea 'Pow Wow White'
Single white flowers with large golden cones atop 18-24″ tall stems. The hardiest white we’ve … Continued
Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’
Perennial Plant Association 1998 Perennial Plant of the Year! The classic purple coneflower with rose-pink … Continued
Echinacea angustifolia
This Great Plains native blooms in late spring to mid-summer. It is found growing in … Continued
Echinacea purpurea 'Prairie Giant'
Distinguished by its giant flowers that grow 6-9” in diameter and leaves to 24” long, … Continued
Echinacea purpurea
Showy purple flowers in July and August on plants that grow to 2-3′. Like its … Continued
Eragrostis spectabilis
Masses of reddish-purple panicle blooms are beautiful in large sweeps.
Eragrostis trichodes
A warm-season bunchgrass native from Ohio to Nebraska and south to Louisiana and Texas. Purple-tinted … Continued
Eryngium yuccifolium
Beautiful native growing to 4′ tall with glaucus, yucca-like foliage topped with clusters of white, … Continued