1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Tilia cordata

‘Greenspire’ A transplant from Europe, where it has been put to use as a shade … Continued

large-flowered bellwort

Uvularia grandiflora

This native clump-forming plant grows to 2′ tall and features 1.5″ long, pendulous, bell-shaped, yellow … Continued

blackhaw viburnum

Viburnum prunifolium

A large shrub or small tree, 12-15 ft. tall, sometimes larger. Rounded in form, this deciduous shrub … Continued

arrowwood viburnum

Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin'

This handsome selection of the North American native arrowwood viburnum boasts neat foliage, white spring … Continued

bird’s foot violet

Viola pedata

Bird’s foot violet has purple flowers with orange centers. The leaves are shaped like bird’s … Continued

crimson glory vine

Vitis coignetiae

This fast-growing ornamental grape vine has vibrant flaming red fall color! Can be pruned hard … Continued

white-tinged sedge

Carex albicans

Sometimes called oak sedge, this clumping sedge grows to 15-20″ tall. It is native to … Continued

heartleaf Alexander

Zizia aptera

A larval host for black swallowtails and an exceptional early-season nectar source for countless species … Continued