Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued
Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued
Opuntia macrorhiza
Low mats of spiny pads which can colonize large beds over time. Showy flowers are … Continued
Oreganum ‘Kent Beauty’
This oregano is grown primarily for its attractive flowers and foliage and can be grown … Continued
Petunia hybrids
An improved selection with low, spreading growth habit and flowers produced all along the trailing … Continued
Petunia hybrids
Crazytunias offer such exciting colors! ‘Crazytunia Star Jubilee’ is a yellow and black bicolor. ‘Crazytunia Mandeville’ is … Continued
Petunia hybrid
Headliner is quickly becoming the growers’ first choice for petunias. This mounded petunia boasts early … Continued
Petunia hybrid
Rays have a naturally compact habit and superior branching, making for endless possibilities in patio … Continued
Petunia hybrid
A showpiece variety for your best containers and most prominent sunny garden spots. Blooms appear … Continued
Philodendron hastatum
Beautiful slower growing philodendron, with blueish-silver lance shaped leaves that resmble a sword once the … Continued
Philodendron hederaceum 'Variegata'
Classic green heart leaf Philodendron but with a stunning golden variegation.
Oenothera speciosa
Showy evening primrose, or pink ladies, are native to the midwest. The evening primrose common … Continued
Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
A vigorous, upright, bushy perennial that is primarily grown for its attractive lavender flowers which appear … Continued