‘Old Gold’ juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold'
With a blend of green, yellow and gold foliage, ‘Old Gold’ will grow happily in … Continued
Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold'
With a blend of green, yellow and gold foliage, ‘Old Gold’ will grow happily in … Continued
Juniperus × pfitzeriana ‘Sea Green’
Juniperus x pfitzeriana is a hybrid that includes cultivar crosses between Juniperus chinensis and Juniperus sabina. They are sometimes … Continued
Juniperus sabina ‘Skandia’
A dwarf, prostrate, low-spreading, evergreen conifer that typically grows to 12-18″ tall but spreads to … Continued
Juniperus virginiana
‘Hetzii’ is an eastern red cedar growing 12-15′ high and 10-15′ wide with bluish-green to … Continued
Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl'
Beautiful finely textured silver-gray evergreen shrub with arching branches. Very effective planted en masse, as … Continued
Juniperus virginiana ‘Taylor’
‘Taylor’ is an upright narrow columnar eastern red cedar selection that grows up to to … Continued
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Marginata'
Also called rainbow kalanchoe, ‘Marginata’ is distinguished from its parent by a more bushy and … Continued
Kalanchoe orgyalis 'Baker'
Copper-colored leaves fold upward from the middle and are a bronze to gray color on … Continued
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora 'Flapjacks'
Also called paddle plant, dog tongue or desert cabbage, this showy white-frosted succulent is native … Continued
Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Ling Ling'
Fuzzy, gray leaves are edged in maroon with chocolate brown tips. A fantastic stand alone … Continued
Kalimeris yomena 'Variegata'
A variegated relative of the aster, ‘Variegata’ has narrow green leaves edged in yellow. As … Continued
Kerria japonica 'Picta'
Kerria is a bright flowering, low-maintenance woody for partial shade. Sometimes called Easter rose because … Continued