1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

wild petunia

Ruellia humilis

Tubular, bell-shaped, petunia-like flowers up to 3″ long open from May to October on drought-loving … Continued

curly willow

Salix matsudana ‘Torulosa’

Grow in any soil soils in full sun or shade. Prefers full sun. Prune as … Continued

Salvia ‘Crystal Blue’

Salvia nemerosa Color Spires® 'Crystal Blue'

Striking cool sky blue flower spikes open over neatly mounded, aromatic foliage. Lovely when planted … Continued

Mexican bush sage

Salvia leucantha

Native to Central America and Mexico. Grown as an annual that grows 2-3’ tall in … Continued


Sambucus canadensis

Elderberries are super easy to grow, good for your health and great for wildlife. These … Continued

soapwort, bouncing bet

Saponaria officinalis

Small, white, star-shaped blooms open in clusters in summer over spreading green foliage. Plants tolerate … Continued


Saponaria ocymoides

This groundcover will carpet the most difficult sites with bright pink flowers. A vigorous grower, … Continued