‘Walker’s Low’, ‘Junior Walker’ & ‘Little Trudy’ catmint
Nepeta species
Perennial Plant Association 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year! faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ grows up to … Continued
Nepeta species
Perennial Plant Association 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year! faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’ grows up to … Continued
Nepeta 'Cat's Pajamas'
2021 Proven Winners National Perennial of the Year A smaller-scale catmint that also blooms 2-3 … Continued
Nicotiana alata
‘Saratoga’ mix is a 12-16″ tall flowering tobacco with gorgeous 2″ blooms of apricot, lime … Continued
Nicotiana sylvestris
Tall, old-fasioned nicotiana features 3-4′ tall stalks topped with many trumpet-shaped, fragrant white blooms throughout summer. … Continued
Austrocylindropuntia subulata (Opuntia subulata)
In its natural habitat, the plant is capable of growing up to 12’ feet tall. … Continued
Opuntia macrorhiza
Low mats of spiny pads which can colonize large beds over time. Showy flowers are … Continued
Origanum majoricum
A cross of oregano and majoram, Italian oregano grows to a height of 2′ and … Continued
Oreganum ‘Kent Beauty’
This oregano is grown primarily for its attractive flowers and foliage and can be grown … Continued
Origanum dictamnus
Fuzzy gray-green leaves on branched stems covered with hop-like pods and lavender-pink flowers summer through … Continued
Origanum hybrid
Bright chartreuse yellow foliage is topped with mauve-pink flowers starting in summer. The leaves are … Continued
Orostachys iwarenge
From a low, blue-grey carpet of rosettes, pinkish conical spires rise. Spires grow to about … Continued
Maclura pomifera 'White Shield'
Both fruitless and thornless, this tough Midwest native was found in western Oklahoma by plantsman … Continued