1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

wild yam vine

Dioscorea villosa

This perennial, climbing vine can be grown on a a trellis or fence and reaches … Continued

purple love grass

Eragrostis spectabilis

Masses of reddish-purple panicle blooms are beautiful in large sweeps.

pincushion cactus, spinystar

[Coryphantha] Escobaria vivipara

2″ bright magenta open in May-June, followed by fleshy, greenish-purple fruits. As the evergreen, ball-shaped … Continued

wild strawberry

Fragaria virginiana

Ground-hugging foliage produces loose clusters of small, five-petaled flowers followed by tasty, wild strawberries. Found … Continued

Kentucky coffeetree

Gymnocladus dioicus

60-90’ tall native tree. Habitats include rich woodlands, and riverbanks. Kentucky coffee tree is cultivated … Continued

Maximilian sunflower

Helianthus maximiliani

State flower of Kansas Clusters of bright yellow flowers in September atop 6-8′ stalks. An … Continued

Heritage® Oak

Quercus x macdanielii 'Clemons'

Heritage oak is a natural hybrid cross of robur English Oak and native macrocarpa Bur … Continued

Himalayan birch

Betula utilis var. ‘Jacquemontii’

A western Himalayan tree sought after for its exceptionally white bark — many authorities consider … Continued