1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Cephalanthus occidentalis

This deciduous shrub has an open, rounded habit. Common throughout the midwest, it can most … Continued

eastern redbud

Cercis canadensis

Delicate deep pink blossoms and buds are one of the earliest spring displays. Unique and … Continued

Roman chamomile

Chamaemelum nobile

Makes a fine, ferny and fragrant low groundcover tolerant of dry conditions. Tea made from … Continued

‘Cosmic’ mix cosmos

Cosmos sulphureus 'Cosmic Mix'

Beautiful and carefree annuals pair easily with most any annual or perennial and bloom from … Continued


Datura inoxia, Datura metel

Showy large white blooms open over rich dark foliage and deep red stems punctuated with … Continued

slender deutzia

Deutzia gracilis

A dense, rounded, deciduous shrub with slender,  broadly spreading, arching stems and growing about 2′ tall … Continued