1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Mr. Stripey

Solanum lycopersicum

Red and yellow-striped. Mild and very low in acid. Indeterminate.

Nebraska Wedding

Solanum lycopersicum

Great Plains heirloom producing huge, globe-shaped fruits of a deep orange weigh up to 10 … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

Large 12 oz–2 lbs fruits are firm, meaty with thick walls, few seeds and mild … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

Enormous, uniquely yellow-red striped beefsteak fruit. 5”+ meaty, mild flavor. Great yields. Indeterminate.


Solanum lycopersicum

Pink, paste-type heirloom. Full-flavored, 4–6 oz fruits have meaty flesh, lots of juice, great for … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

Heirloom produces early and prolifically. Bright yellow fruits average 4–6 oz, mild tasting and meaty. … Continued

Tommy Toe

Solanum lycopersicum

An heirloom from the Ozark Mountains. 1/2 to 1” fruits have a mild flavor. Resists … Continued

Yellow Brandywine

Solanum lycopersicum

Golden-yellow with yields of large fruits. Super sweet slicer.

Showy Goldenrod

Solidago speciosa

Showy goldenrod is a rhizomatous native perennial which typically occurs in dry soils in open … Continued

Indian pink

Spigelia marilandica

A long flowering woodland perennial with unique flowers that attract pollinators — especially hummingbirds. This … Continued

old-fashioned spirea

Spiraea × vanhouttei

Old-fashioned spirea is often found in established landscapes around older homes. This handsome arching, loose … Continued

‘Cotton Candy’ betony

Stachys officinalis ‘Cotton Candy’

Selected for continuous bloom, deep green foliage, and compact habit, ‘Pink Cotton Candy’ sports two-toned … Continued