American bittersweet
Celastrus scandens
A deciduous twining woody vine best known for its showy red-orange berries that brighten up … Continued
Celastrus scandens
A deciduous twining woody vine best known for its showy red-orange berries that brighten up … Continued
Celosia aregentea spicata
Our pink-spiked celosia is grown from seed harvested from the gardens at Monticello, where it … Continued
Celosia argentea cristata 'Chief Mix'
This celosia blooms in shades of gold, rose, apricot, and red. The structure of the … Continued
Centranthus rubra 'Red Valeriana'
Easily grown in average soils in full sun. Plants tolerate light shade. Plants prefer moist, … Continued
Cephalanthus occidentalis
This deciduous shrub has an open, rounded habit. Common throughout the midwest, it can most … Continued
Chaenomeles japonica 'Texas Scarlet'
The earliest spring blooming shrub with coral- red, apple-blossom-like flowers that precede leaves. Produces greenish-yellow … Continued
Chasmanthium latifolium
Attractive, nodding seed heads make excellent cut arrangement filler. This grass spreads aggressively so choose … Continued
Chrysanthemum rubellum 'Clara Curtis'
This garden mum produces profusions of large 2-3″ wide, antique pink blooms. The hardiest of … Continued
Conoclinium coelestinum
Intense blue flowers in summer are surrounded by glossy green foliage which turns vibrant scarlet … Continued
Coreopsis x 'Mercury Rising'
Deep velvety red flowers with frilly bright gold centers open over fresh green, finely textured … Continued
Coreopsis tripteris
This coreopsis stands tall at 7′ to 9′! Golden-yellow flowers are arranged in a flat-topped … Continued
Coreopsis lanceolata
Lanceleaf tickseed sports bright yellow, daisy-like flowers in summer over glossy green foliage. Plants self-seed … Continued