‘Buzz Cherry Pops’ bee balm
Monarda 'Buzz Cherry Pops'
In midsummer, ‘Cherry Pops’ forms a solid dome of cherry red, 2-2½” flowers on strong, … Continued
Monarda 'Buzz Cherry Pops'
In midsummer, ‘Cherry Pops’ forms a solid dome of cherry red, 2-2½” flowers on strong, … Continued
Monarda citriodora 'Lambada'
Horsemint foliage has a strong citrus scent when rubbed or crushed. It is very easy … Continued
Monarda didyma ‘Gardenview Scarlet’
Large red flowers in June through August on mildew-resistant foliage growing 4-5′ tall. Heat and … Continued
Monarda fistulosa
Violet blossoms with aromatic foliage. A familiar sight on the prairie. Native to most of … Continued
Nassella (formerly Stipa) tenuissima
This zone 7 perennial will self-seed in our northern zone 6 gardens. Excellent soft, fine … Continued
Nigella damascena
Beautiful blooms of blue, mauve, pink, purple, and white blooms open over lacy greenery. Unusual … Continued
Oenothera {Gaura} lindheimeri 'Rose'
A dwarf selection with gorgeous bicolor flowers with deep rose-pink at the tips and pure … Continued
Oenothera filiformis {Gaura longiflora}
Large-flowered gaura is a great plains prairie plant that establishes quickly to provide late-season bloom. … Continued
Oreganum ‘Kent Beauty’
This oregano is grown primarily for its attractive flowers and foliage and can be grown … Continued
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Clumps grow to 2-3′ tall, but can reach 6′ in height when planted in moist … Continued
Osteospermum 'Purple Spoons'
Covered in unusual purple daisy flowers with curiously fluted purple tips beginning in early spring. … Continued
Paeonia x intersectional
Intersectional peonies are a relatively new class of Paeonia created by crossing herbaceous garden peonies … Continued