‘Magnus’ purple coneflower
Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’
Perennial Plant Association 1998 Perennial Plant of the Year! The classic purple coneflower with rose-pink … Continued
Many songbirds and other wildlife depend on seeds and fruit produced by various plants and feed on the insects drawn into our gardens. The following is a list of plants that provide fruit, nuts, and seeds for various songbirds.
Since 1970 the population of North American birds has dropped nearly 30% — almost three billion birds have vanished from our forests, grasslands, and backyards in less than a human lifetime. It’s a chilling fact that makes it clear that we must act as individuals to help ensure their survival.
Most importantly, ninety-six percent of all terrestrial bird species rear their young on insects so it is also important to grow plants that feed insects to provide a well-rounded habitat in your garden.
Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’
Perennial Plant Association 1998 Perennial Plant of the Year! The classic purple coneflower with rose-pink … Continued
Echinacea purpurea 'Prairie Giant'
Distinguished by its giant flowers that grow 6-9” in diameter and leaves to 24” long, … Continued
Echinacea purpurea
Showy purple flowers in July and August on plants that grow to 2-3′. Like its … Continued
Echinacea 'Tomato Soup'
Selected for its unique and striking blooms; showcasing shades of red, including reddish-orange and pinkish … Continued
Echinacea paradoxa
A 2-4′ yellow-flowering native. Like its cousins, flowers make great cuts, butterflies are attracted to … Continued
Eragrostis trichodes
A warm-season bunchgrass native from Ohio to Nebraska and south to Louisiana and Texas. Purple-tinted … Continued
Fragaria ‘Lipstick’
Ornamental strawberry with mounded habit and dark green foliage, topped with deep rose red flowers … Continued
Fragaria ananassa
Glossy red, long-necked fruit, ‘Ozark Beauty’, ‘Tri Star’, ‘Seascape’ and ‘Eversweet’ have a mild, sweet … Continued
Vernonia gigantea
One of the tallest of the ironweeds, growing to as much as 10’ tall in … Continued
Helianthus mollis
Fine hairs cover the stems and leaves, giving this native perennial a gray-green color. A … Continued
Helianthus salicifolius 'Autumn Gold'
Narrow, dark-green leaves and compact, rounded form give this perennial a shrub-like appearance during Spring … Continued
Heliopsis helianthoides
Bright yellow daisies open in late summer thru fall on tall native plants. Tolerates some … Continued