1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Tagetes hybrids

‘Bonanza’ mix is a French marigold with a mix of yellow, gold-red, and bicolor large, 2-2.5″ crested blooms on dense, uniform 10-12″ plants. Native to the Americas, marigolds require very little care and maintenance and are quick to flower, which is why they’ve been a garden favorite for generations.

‘Durango’ mix is a uniform, extra-large, double flowering cultivar on bushy, vigorous, dark green, 10″ to 12″ plants. Festive, red-tipped yellow bolero accents deep red, tangerine and yellow blooms. Plant in sunny beds, containers and window boxes!

Marigolds repel many pests and attract many pollinators, so they’re an excellent edger for veggie gardens and flower beds.