Showy goldenrod is a rhizomatous native perennial which typically occurs in dry soils in open woods, fields and prairies. Tiny, bright yellow blooms open in dense clusters atop stiff, reddish stems growing 2-3′ tall. Flowers bloom mid to late summer. As the common name suggests, this species is one of the showiest of the many goldenrods.
Goldenrods have been wrongly blamed for causing hay fever which is actually an allergic reaction to wind-borne pollen from other plants such as ragweed.
Attractive to bees and butterflies searching for late-season nectar, and especially valuable to migrating Monarchs.
Used by long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, beetles, butterflies, and caterpillars of many Lepidoptera species. An important late-season nectar source for pollinators.