1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Rubus fruticosus

‘Triple Crown’ is a thornless variety that grows 5-6′ in height. This variety is a semi-erect type plant, bears very heavy, large fruit with excellent flavor. A more wind-resistant variety, its canes do not break at base like some varieties. Fruit is borne on two-year-old canes. Prune out fruit-bearing canes after fruiting, being careful not to cut new canes (next year’s fruiting canes).

‘Apache’ is a thornless blackberry that is erect and self-supporting. Glossy black berries, sweeter and firmer than some other thornless varieties, with smaller seed size. Also very winter hardy. Requires little maintenance—no wires or trellis needed.

‘Sweet Arkansas Ponca’ packs great flavor into extra-large berries. Ponca was selected by John R. Clark from the fruit breeding program of the  Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. It’s is one of the sweetest, most flavorful blackberries around! Its thornless, 4-6 feet canes grow erect. A trellis is not needed for support, but it will make harvesting easier and help keep plants tidy. Fruits on old canes.

‘Arapaho’ is an erect, early-ripening, thornless variety that produces large red and black fruit. The berries are firm and tasty with small seeds. Good for making jams and syrups. No need for trellis — this plant is self-supporting.

Blackberries are self-fertile.