1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Use on lawns, flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs. Available in 5# and 32# bags.

ALL PURPOSE. Milorganite is an all-purpose, slow-release nitrogen fertilizer composed of heat dried microbes that have digested the organic matter in wastewater. It can be used on lawns, shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables and as a seed carrier. See back for recommended application guidelines.

DOES NOT BURN. Milorganite’s salt-free formula will not burn plants or scorch lawns even in the hottest temperatures and driest conditions.

SLOW RELEASE—FEEDS 8 TO 10 WEEKS. Milorganite releases its nutrients slowly and feeds plants and soil on a constant basis resulting in uniform growth and well-established root systems.

DOESN’T HAVE TO BE WATERED-IN. Milorganite doesn’t need to be watered in after application. It’s ready to work when moisture arrives, making it ideal for areas with water restrictions.

IRON FOR ENHANCED GREENING. Iron is essential to make plants green. Greening power is what you’ll get from Milorganite—our iron is organically complex and readily absorbed by plants. Milorganite even works in poor soils, regardless of soil pH, and will NOT stain nearby walks, patios, drives, fences or walls.

SEEDING WITH MILORGANITE. Add Milorganite when seeding for a fast-developing lawn. The slow-release nitrogen releases as the seedlings need it. The non-leaching phosphorus is available to immature roots to aid in giving energy to support fast growth, and won’t burn tender seedlings.

SAFE FOR CHILDREN AND PETS. Milorganite is tested daily and surpasses the EPA’s “Exceptional Quality” standards—the most stringent safety regulations in the fertilizer industry. Children and pets can safely go onto areas that have been fertilized with Milorganite when used as directed.

ADDS ORGANIC MATTER. Organic matter in Milorganite feeds microorganisms in the soil, improving the foundation which plants grow. Enriching the soil with organic matter improves soil structure which improves the soil’s capacity to hold water and nutrients. Healthy soil is the long term key to lawn and garden success.

APPLICATION GUIDELINES. A 32 lb bag of Milorganite covers 2,500 sq ft. For best results, four lawn applications per year are recommended. Please see the back for lawn, flower, vegetable, fruit, tree, and shrub application schedule and rates. Trusted by golf course professionals and homeowners for over 90 years. www.milorganite.com 16-091 022019 Application Guidelines 3 cups of Milorganite = 1 lb FLOWERS ANNUALS Two Applications • Spring (prior to planting) – 1 ½ lbs (4 ½ cups) per 50 sq ft • Summer (budding) – 1 lb (3 cups) per 50 sq ft Mix into soil when preparing flower bed or container. When flower buds form, apply an additional application.

PERENNIALS Two Applications 2 ½ lbs (7 ½ cups) per 50 sq ft • Spring • Summer Apply in spring and again after plants bloom to strengthen plants for the following year. VEGETABLES Two Applications 4 ½ lbs (13 ½ cups) per 50 sq ft ½ cup per plant • Prior to planting • Halfway through growing season Prior to planting, work Milorganite into the soil. Halfway through growing season sprinkle Milorganite around plants or between planted rows to feed your garden.

LAWNS NORTHERN GRASSES (COOL SEASON) (Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass) *Four Applications – 32 lbs per 2,500 sq ft • Memorial Day (late Spring) • 4th of July (mid-Summer) • Labor Day (early Fall) • Thanksgiving (Dormant Feeding) Apply last application as late in the season as possible before the first deep freeze or snow fall. This fertilizer application is known as dormant feeding. Fertilizing this late in the season will allow for an early spring green up.

SOUTHERN GRASSES (WARM SEASON) (Bermuda, St. Augustine, Centipedegrass, Bahia & Zoysia) **Four Applications – 32 lbs per 2,500 sq ft • Easter (after turf breaks dormancy) • Memorial Day (late Spring) • Labor Day (early Fall) • Early October (or when overseeding) In regions where killing frosts can be expected, avoid nitrogen applications to warm-season grasses in the fall less than one month prior to the average date of the first killing frost. For best results, fertilize when overseeding. Centipedegrass and Bahia grass prefer spring and summer feedings. Avoid late fall fertilization of these species to prevent possible winter kill.

NEW LAWNS 72 lbs per 2,500 sq ft Seed Bed or Sodding Preparation Mix into the top two inches of soil before seeding or sodding. After third mowing of lawn, apply one 32 lb bag per 2,500 sq ft of lawn. Then follow the normal schedule for your particular type of grass.

SHRUBS Transplanted Shrubs ½ lb per ft of shrub height Mix with soil at the bottom of the hole prior to inserting shrub. Three months later, hand spread 2 lbs of Milorganite under the plant and lightly rake into the soil. Established Shrubs 5 lbs per 100 sq ft Shrubs growing in a lawn that is regularly fertilized, there is usually little need to fertilize them separately. Scatter uniformly over the soil surface and work in with a hoe or rake. For individual shrubs, apply 1 lb of Milorganite per shrub in the root area.

FRUITS Fruiting Trees and Shrubs Apply 1 lb (3 cups) per tree per year of age, when leaves lose their natural green color. Strawberries First Year – Apply ¾ lbs (2 ½ cups) per 50 sq ft or 1 tbsp per plant Bearing Years – Apply 3 lbs per 50 sq ft or 3 tbsp per plant Do not apply more than 16 lbs per tree per year. Annual applications are usually sufficient for good fruit yields. Work into the soil between planted rows or sprinkle Milorganite and work into the soil of your container. Milorganite encourages growth without interfering with fruiting.

TREES Established Trees 5 lbs per inch of trunk diameter Trees growing in a lawn that is regularly fertilized, there is usually little need to fertilize them separately. Pour into holes (1” wide x 12” deep) spaced 2 ft apart along drip line or broadcast in a circular band around the drip line of the tree. Transplanted Trees ½ lb per ft of tree height Mix with soil at the bottom of the planting hole prior to inserting the transplanted tree. Three months later, hand spread an equal amount of Milorganite slightly past drip line.