1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Iris ‘Firebreather’

Iris germanica

Deep orange-amber blooms uniformly saturate the standards and falls. Vivid tangerine beards further accent the vibrant hue. Scalloped and serrated petals and two- to three- branched stems produce 6-9 buds each that creates a hot spring showstopper.

German bearded iris are heirloom plants as tolerant and adaptable as they come. Spikey blue-green foliage makes an attractive show across three seasons, and spring blooms are a harbinger of the summer season to come. Break off seedpods that form after blooms have faded and prune back foliage in fall if desired. Some varieties rebloom in fall, and flowers bloom in a variety of striking colors!

Plants can be divided every few years.