1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Clematis tangutica

Clematis tangutica

Large yellow bells hang delicately from this climbing vine with stunning visual interest. It makes a cheery show of sunshine-colored blooms July through October on trellises and walls. Like other clematis keep their top in the sun and their feet in the shade. Pruning type 3.

This clematis blooms later from new growth and should be pruned in February or March as new leaf buds begin to show low on the plant. All dead material above these buds should be removed along with any old foliage or foliage with mildew at this time.

The best time to plant clematis is spring, summer, or early fall in a location of 5-6 hours of sunlight.

Clematis roots are long and run deep and like it cool and damp, but not soggy. Plant annuals, perennials, or a low-growing shrub to shade roots, and mulch the ground around the base of the clematis to keep the soil and roots cool and moist.

Stake vine toward a trellis to train the plant to its permanent support.

Keep your clematis well watered, do not let it dry out. In years to come always soak once a week in dry weather.

Feed twice a year with organic fertilizer or compost.

Prune your clematis the first Spring after planting, back to 10-12″. This is very important to get your plant off to low branching and heavier flowering over the whole clematis vine.

With proper care, clematis vines will provide enjoyment for many years!