1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Hardy Fall Mums

Chrysanthemum x morifolium

Mums are tough plants when planted in the right conditions and cared for properly. They can last for many years. Of course, they also make wonderful container decor that look fabulous in combination with seasonal decorations like pumpkins and corn shucks.

Click the care tab for instructions on planting and maintaining hardy mums.

Available in a variety of colors!

Many people simply purchase fresh mums each fall for seasonal color. If your goal is to keep your hardy mums returning in the garden for years, you can do that too! Here’s how—

• Select a spot in full sun with rich, well-drained soil.

• Space plants 18-24 inches apart.

• Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball.

• Plant mums at the same depth they were in the pot and backfill with the amended soil.

• Water the soil thoroughly. Follow up with about an inch of water per week.

Chrysanthemums have a very shallow root system, making them more susceptible to harsh winter weather conditions. Because they’re most commonly planted in fall just before blooming there isn’t much time for them to get established before winter.

To ensure that your hardy mums will return year after year, try the following:

  • Plant as early as possible. Our mums are ready to go at the beginning of September, which is about 6 weeks before the first frost and long before the real cold sets in. Planting early will give the roots time to establish before winter.
  • Make sure your soil is in tip-top condition. Amend the soil with compost to break up the clay and provide nutrients.
  • Add Espoma Bio-Tone root stimulator to encourage vigorous root growth.
  • Never cut mums back after blooming!
  • In late November apply extra mulch around the root crown and water well.
  • During winter when the weather allows and when we haven’t had rain or snow for an extended period (~3 weeks) water your mums. Along with mulch, moist soil offers protection from extra cold temperatures and keeps plant roots healthy.
  • Pull mulch back in spring to reveal emerging buds.
  • Begin fertilizing mums in April. They’re heavy feeders! We use Espoma Flower Tone
  • Early June is Chelsea Chop time for many perennials, and mums are no exception! Cut them back ½ way.
  • To keep mums full and delay bloom until fall, trim mums again in July by about 1/3. Your efforts will be rewarded with double the blooms!