wild ginger Asarum canadense Type:groundcovernative perennialsperennials Notable Traits:fast-growinglow-maintenancemidwest nativeresistant: deerresistant: diseaseresistant: rabbittolerates clay soil Hardiness:Zone 3 – 8 Mature Height:8-12in Light:part sun/afternoon shade (eastern exposure)part to full shade (4 hours or less sun)shade (northern exposure) Water:drought tolerant once established Bloom Color:red Bloom Time:spring Foliage:green Butterfly Host:Pipevine Swallowtail Description Other Info This low, colony-forming perennial grows large, velvety, heart-shaped leaves with a darkish red-brown to green-brown flower. The solitary flower is at ground level, hidden below the leaves. The fleshy rootstock has a strong, gingery flavor.