1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Arber Bio Fungicide

Control challenging diseases longer with our natural bio fungicide. Protects against fungus, mold, mildew, and rot using Mother Nature’s good bacteria. Say goodbye to disease on your leaves and in your soil and hello to stronger plants.

  • Disease protection for both indoor and outdoor gardening
  • Use On: Vegetables, roses, fruits, berries, nuts, flowers, foliage houseplants, ornamental trees, and shrubs
  • Controls and Suppresses: Grey and white molds, downy mildews, black spots on roses, leaf spots, root rot, botrytis, and more

For optimal results use in your regular watering cycle. Also ideal for: transplants, potting mixes, as a rooting compound or in hydroponics

  • Mix: 0.25 oz Arber concentrate with 32 oz water or 1 oz – 2.5 oz concentrate with 1 Gallon of water
  • Apply directly to soil or apply to leaves. One application every 10-14 days for wellness and every 5-7 days for major disease control.