1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Amaryllis belladonna


Zone 8 – 10
Mature Height:
Bloom Color:

Bloom Time:

These South African bulbs are a staple of holiday decor, producing gigantic showy blooms in shades of pink, red, orange, and white. Bulbs are easy to grow in decorative containers slightly larger than the bulb and buried in a good potting mix with the shoulders of the bulb exposed. Watering will awaken the bulb and begin its growing season. Bloom buds are set once the foliage has emerged and will open slowly over weeks.

Once blooms fade the bloom stalk should be cut down to redirect energy back to the bulb as the foliage grows. Plants can be moved outdoors in summer to a sunny location and brought back indoors to rest in darkness for eight to twelve weeks — do not water during this time. New growth will emerge once the bulb is returned to a sunny window and watering resumes. Repeating this cycle of care will bring years of colorful holiday blooms!

Purchase potted bulbs in our online shop!