1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

anise hyssop

Agastache foeniculum


Notable Traits:

Zone 4 – 8
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Grows happily in average soil in full sun to light shade and attracts all sorts of pollinators. Deadhead spent flowers to promote additional bloom. Plants will spread by rhizomes and will easily self-seed.

Related Plants

‘Little Adder’ Korean mint, anise

Agastache rugosa 'Little Adder'

An excellent pollinator plant, ornamental, herbal, and culinary herb. Both flowers and leaves have a delicate licorice scent reminiscent of rootbeer. Blossoms make attractive garnishes and are often used in Chinese-style dishes. Excellent in salads. While 'Little Adder' is half the height of 'Black Adder' and 'Blue Fortune', it's twice as floriferous which means more nectar for the pollinators. TRY THE NATIVE! Related Plants [plant id="5800"]