fan flower ‘Scalora Glitzy’
Scaevola aemula ‘Scalora Glitzy’
Fan-shaped flowers that give the genus its common name produce vivid purple-blue petals all summer … Continued
Scaevola aemula ‘Scalora Glitzy’
Fan-shaped flowers that give the genus its common name produce vivid purple-blue petals all summer … Continued
Schlumbergera bridgesii/Schlumbergera truncata
Native to Brazil, flowers can last 7-8 weeks. Unlike other cactus, plants do not require … Continued
Sedum 'Herbstfreude'
Large salmon-pink flower heads tinged with bronze and open late summer through fall. Plants grow … Continued
Sedum reflexum 'Angelina'
Thin, evergreen, spiny golden-yellow foliage radiates around central stem and is tinged russet orange at … Continued
Sedum morganianum 'Burrito'
Cascading, spindle-shaped, silver-green leaves tumble and cascades up to 24″ or more. Native to southern … Continued
Sedum spurium ‘John Creech’
Dr. John Creech, former director of the U.S. National Arboretum, discovered this Sedum in the … Continued
Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' Atlantis®
Tight rosettes of notched, deep green succulent leaves edged in broad, creamy yellow margins. Plants … Continued
Senecio serpens
Powdery blue-green fleshy tubular leaves provide color and texture contrast in succulent collections. A great … Continued
Senecio rowleyanus
This unusual-looking succulent sprawls over container edges in strands resembling a beaded necklace, with fleshy … Continued
Senna alata
A showy addition to any garden, large round leaves fold up at night. Large, upright, … Continued
Senna hebecarpa
Round, pea-like foliage on 4-6′ tall plants with dark yellow, pea-like blooms in summer. We … Continued
Senna {Cassia} marilandica
Maryland wild senna is a perennial flowering native that blooms in summer and grows up … Continued