1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

black gum, tupelo

Nyssa sylvatica

One of the best native trees for fall color according to Michael Dirr, black tupelo … Continued

Chinese dunce caps

Orostachys iwarenge

From a low, blue-grey carpet of rosettes, pinkish conical spires rise. Spires grow to about … Continued

shrimp plant

Pachystachys lutea

Dark green glossy foliage and 4-8″ tall golden-yellow flower spikes with white anthers look like … Continued

Itoh peony

Paeonia x intersectional

Intersectional peonies are a relatively new class of Paeonia created by crossing herbaceous garden peonies … Continued

pagoda dogwood

Cornus alternifolia

An excellent native plant with four-season interest, these beautiful trees have unique horizontal branching and … Continued