wild mint
Mentha arvensis
Tiered clusters of small white flowers open along stems in summer and continue through fall, … Continued
Mentha arvensis
Tiered clusters of small white flowers open along stems in summer and continue through fall, … Continued
Mirabilis jalapa
An heirloom garden standard grown as an annual, these colorful antiques will self-seed and return … Continued
Monarda didyma
Monarda didyma ‘Balmy Pink’ is a dwarf plant covered in lavender-rose blooms in summer. ‘Balmy Purple’ sports … Continued
Monarda didyma ‘Gardenview Scarlet’
Large red flowers in June through August on mildew-resistant foliage growing 4-5′ tall. Heat and … Continued
Morus nigra
Pick baskets full of large, sweet, black mulberries! These naturally semi-dwarf-sized trees will keep you … Continued
Morus rubra
A medium sized, upright spreading to rounded, deciduous tree native to woodlands, bottomlands and woodland … Continued
Muehlenbebeckia axillaries / complexa
Tiny, round green leaves densely cover reddish-brown, wiry stems. This vigorous little plant makes a … Continued
Musa bassjoo
Get an exotic tropical look in your indoor or outdoor garden! This hardy banana can … Continued
Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued
Nelumbo 'Beautiful Dancer'
This early bloomer produces many flowers of cheerful, bright pink changing to white with soft … Continued
Nelumbo 'Handsome Hero'
6-9″ double pink flowers with erect inner petals and lower petals that droop giving a … Continued
Nelumbo 'Perry's Giant Sunburst'
Big, beautiful, classic, single-petal flowers in shades of yellow with bright yellow receptacles and stamens. … Continued