1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Corylus americana

The American hazelnut or filbert is native to the eastern United States. Tasty nuts are … Continued


Cosmos bipinnatus

Cosmos bipinnatus ia an heirloom garden classic, cosmos ‘Sonata’ flowers open in shades of violet, … Continued

tiger jade

Crassula exilis ssp. cooperi

Blue-green leaves with black spots on the upper side and maroon spots on the underside … Continued

Hobbit jade

Crassula ovata 'Hobbit'

This small shrubby succulent grows like a jade but with interesting succulent green leaves that … Continued

string of buttons

Crassula perforata

Pale green leaves grow in a spiral around each stem. This South Africa native makes … Continued

honeyvine milkweed

Cynanchum laeve

This twining vine has heart-shaped leaves and white flower clusters following in late summer and … Continued