Clematis Clair de lune™
Clematis Clair de lune™ ‘Evirin’
Compact and free-flowering with 6-7′ flowers that retain their color best in a shady spot. … Continued
Clematis Clair de lune™ ‘Evirin’
Compact and free-flowering with 6-7′ flowers that retain their color best in a shady spot. … Continued
Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
A widely popular older variety that flowers abundantly on vigorous, hardy vines plants. The large, … Continued
Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel'
A heavy flowering cultivar that blooms in late spring and again in late summer. This … Continued
Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh'
Rosette-shaped double white flowers with yellow anthers. Blooms May, June and September. Pruning type 2.
Clematis ‘Henryi’
Huge pure white flowers cover this vine heavily in May and continue with fewer blossoms … Continued
Clematis ‘Jackmanii'
The most profuse blooming dark purple Clematis, vines are covered with purple flowers in June, … Continued
Clematis 'Josephine'
This stunning variety has flowers with 6-8 base petals which are almost bronze, tinged with … Continued
Clematis Lindsay™, EviGsy
Large purple 6-7″ spring blooms have deep marron-red anthers. A repeat flowerer, this vine reblooms … Continued
Clematis montana ‘Elizabeth’
Soft pink flowers with a vanilla scent, these vigorous growers are probably the easiest to … Continued
Clematis 'Mrs. N Thompson'
Large 4-6″ flowers are deep violet with a vivid scarlet stripe down the petal. Blooms … Continued
Clematis heracleifolia 'Mrs. Robert Brydon'
Bluish-white 1″ flowers in large clusters cover these extremely vigorous and very free flowering vines. … Continued
Clematis x 'Nelly Moser'
A large-flowered variety with 7″-9″ striped flowers of pale mauve with a deep purplish-pink bars … Continued