1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Texas Scarlet’ quince

Chaenomeles japonica 'Texas Scarlet'

The earliest spring blooming shrub with coral- red, apple-blossom-like flowers that precede leaves. Produces greenish-yellow … Continued

Partridge Pea

Chamaecrista fasciculata

Native annual with pinnately-compound leaves with small leaflets that fold together when touched. Showy yellow … Continued

Roman chamomile

Chamaemelum nobile

Makes a fine, ferny and fragrant low groundcover tolerant of dry conditions. Tea made from … Continued

Hardy Fall Mums

Chrysanthemum x morifolium

Mums are tough plants when planted in the right conditions and cared for properly. They … Continued

Avant-Garde™ Clematis

Clematis AVANT-GARDE™ Evipo 033

Very unusual 3″ red flowers with pink petaloid stamens give the impression of a double … Continued

‘Bernadine’ Clematis

Clematis ‘Bernadine’

This stunner produces masses of large light blue flowers with contrasting red anthers. It’s amazing … Continued

Clematis ‘Charmaine’

Clematis Charmaine Evipo022

Rich red double, semi-double, and single flowers bloom from late spring to midsummer and rebloom … Continued