Maryland wild senna
Senna {Cassia} marilandica
Maryland wild senna is a perennial flowering native that blooms in summer and grows up … Continued
Senna {Cassia} marilandica
Maryland wild senna is a perennial flowering native that blooms in summer and grows up … Continued
Schefflera actinophylla
Umbrella trees grow to 50 feet in their native Australia and New Guinea. In colder … Continued
Schefflera Amate
An ideal environment for sheffleras included warm temperatures, and even moisture, and bright, indirect light … Continued
Silphium terebinthinaceum
Native to prairies, railroad right-of-ways, and other exposed habitats in the Midwest and portions of … Continued
Sinocrassula yunnanensis
A little hard to find, these little clusters of black succulent foliage resemble baby hedgehogs. … Continued
Sissyrinchium ‘Lucerne'
Star-like, 1″ violet-blue flowers have a yellow center over grassy foliage. Reblooms sporadically in late … Continued
Solanum tuberosum
Potatoes are one of the easiest root crops to grow! They grow in average soil … Continued
Solidago flexicaulis
Spikes of golden flowers open on black stems that zigzag. Like all goldenrods zigzag supports … Continued
Oligoneuron rigidum {Solidago rigida}
Large, flat medium yellow flower clusters provide late-season nectar for butterflies and, later, seed for … Continued
Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks'
Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid-September past mid-October. Plants grow 3-4′ high. … Continued
Sorbaria sorbifolia
A suckering, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5-8′ tall and wide with ferny green foliage … Continued
Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Mr. Mustard'
Mr. Mustard has incredibly colorful springtime foliage of yellow, orange, red, pink, and lime green. … Continued