blackberry lily
Belamcanda chinensis
A profusion of unique star-shaped, speckled flowers about 2″ wide and resemble orchids. Blloms vary … Continued
Belamcanda chinensis
A profusion of unique star-shaped, speckled flowers about 2″ wide and resemble orchids. Blloms vary … Continued
Berberis thunbergii Sunjoy Todo®
Colorful coppery foliage is semi-evergreen, and this cultivar stays small making it perfect for contrast … Continued
Berberis thunbergii Sunjoy® Cinnamon
A low-maintenance shrub with beautiful dark orange foliage and compact branching. A Proven Winners selection.
Berberis thunbergii Sunjoy Gold Pillar®
Semi-evergreen with bright gold leaf color and red berry in winter. The narrow, upright habit … Continued
Berlandiera lyrata
Mounded, gray-green velvety foliage has a chocolate aroma topped by flower heads with yellow rays … Continued
Beta vulgaris
This stunning chard seed mix is as ornamental as it is delicious, with stems in … Continued
Betula platyphylla x ‘Crimson Frost’
Gorgeous burgundy-red to purple leaves shimmer over peeling white bark with cinnamon tones. Foliage turns … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Extremely high yields of medium-sized, blocky peppers with a rich, creamy color. Resistant to Tobacco … Continued
Bidens ferulifolia
Vigorous, heat and drought tolerant, covered with bright, sunshiny gold flowers spring to fall, Bidens … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
The largest of the chile peppers, with medium-hot fruits measuring 10 to 12” long. The … Continued
Capsicum annuum
Peppers grow about one inch long with a pointed tip resembling a little beak. The … Continued
Cucurbita pepo
Fast-growing plants are easy to grow and produce abundantly through summer. Freezes well. Harvest while … Continued