Bush Early Girl
Solanum lycopersicum
(VFFNT) Determinate sister to the popular Early Girl produces the same fruit in a compact, … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
(VFFNT) Determinate sister to the popular Early Girl produces the same fruit in a compact, … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
(VFN) Compact plants grow 3-1/2’ tall and produce huge, red, 3-4” fruits. Bears consistently up … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Originally from Russia. Excellent for fresh eating! Indeterminate.
Solanum lycopersicum
(VFFNTASt) Medium-sized globe-shaped fruits are crack-resistant and average 7 oz. Semi-determinate.
Solanum lycopersicum
Cultivated by the Native American tribe, productive plants produce rose to purple colored and also … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Indeterminate vines covered with clusters of sweet 1” fruits, dark red with rich chocolate shading. … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
(VNTSWV) Compact plant with heavy yields of firm, bright red, tasty 10-12 oz fruits. Unbeatable … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Floradade is an excellent variety that tastes great and produces a lot even in extreme … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Mild-flavored, meaty, rough, 12–24 oz fruits with pink skins and yellow shoulders. Indeterminate.
Solanum lycopersicum
Wonderful 1-pound bi-colored fruits are a gourmet delight. Considered by some to be the finest … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Gold Nugget cherry tomatoes have a rich, sweet flavor. Vigorous and determinate, plants are loaded … Continued
Solanum lycopersicum
Unusual variety produces bright green fruits striped with bright light green. 2-4 oz fruits with … Continued