1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

desert rose

Adenium obesum

Desert rose is succulent native to the hot climates of East Africa and Arabia, with fleshy … Continued


Equisetum hyemale

Hollow, segmented, tubular stems grow to 4′ tall and grow in dry soils to wet, … Continued

Hosta ‘Royal Standard’

Hosta plantaginea × H. sieboldiana (Grulleman/Wayside/AHS 1986)

‘Royal Standard’ was the first hosta to receive a plant patent in 1965. Plants form … Continued


Cynara cardunculus

This relative of the artichoke has edible roots and stalks, but you won’t want to … Continued

common comfrey

Symphytum officinale

This easy to grow hardy perennial is gorgeous and under-appreciated. Drought and heat tolerant plants … Continued

‘Red Lake’ currant

Ribes rubrum

Outstanding variety with clusters of bright red berries of good quality. Vigorous, disease resistant and … Continued


Vaccinium corymbosum

Considered the best all-around variety for adaptability, consistent yields, high-quality fruit, and disease resistance, ‘Bluecrop’ … Continued


Ribes uva-crispa/hirtellum

Gooseberry cultivars can be American or European. Fruit from the American cultivars are smaller but … Continued


Taxus x media

Add some midcentury evergreen flair as the backbone of your landscape. Fitting into the natural … Continued