Hosta ‘Gold Drop’
Hosta 'Gold Drop'
Compact hosta grows 12” h x 33” w, with bright, heart-shaped leaves topped with lavender … Continued
Hosta 'Gold Drop'
Compact hosta grows 12” h x 33” w, with bright, heart-shaped leaves topped with lavender … Continued
Hosta longissima (R. Savory 1985)
Growing 8″h x 21″w, Bitsy Gold makes a great edger. These small hostas have long … Continued
Vinca minor/Vinca major
One of the most popular and widely used ground covers with evergreen leaves and lavender … Continued
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum'
Densely foliaged fast covering groundcover with silver edged leaves, this easy to grow plant sports … Continued
Fragaria ananassa
Glossy red, long-necked fruit, ‘Ozark Beauty’, ‘Tri Star’, ‘Seascape’ and ‘Eversweet’ have a mild, sweet … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Stocky, 8” plants covered with peppers that start out green and mature to red. 1 … Continued
Capsicum annuum species
Wild chile native to Central America, Mexico, and southwestern US. Extremely hot, measuring between 50,000–100,000 … Continued
Crassula capitella 'Campfire'
Easy-to-grow succulent with dramatic spear-shaped leaves that mature from light green to bright red in … Continued
Satureja montana
With its strong spicy flavor, winter savory goes well with beans and meats, and including … Continued
Satureja hortensis
A favorite herb for flavoring fresh and dry beans, cabbage, and sauerkraut. Spirit-awakening peppery flavor. … Continued
Rumex sanguineus
Distinct red veins color the foliage of this 15″ highly ornamental but also edible vegetable. … Continued
Spiny coriander, Ngo gai, Mexican coriander. Tastes like cilantro. Can be frozen or dried. Used … Continued