1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

hyacinth bean vine

Dolichos lablab

With striking foliage, flowers, and seed pods, this vigorous grower covers fence and arbor quickly … Continued

weeping Nootka falsecypress

Xanthocyparis nootkatensis (formerly Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) ‘Pendula’

Medium to large size pyramidal tree has drooping branchlets with dark gray-green foliage that drapes … Continued

orangebark stewartia

Stewartia monodelpha

A rare and lovely small tree grown for its rich smooth cinnamon-colored bark, incredible maroon-red … Continued


Malus hybrids

A genus of about 35 species of deciduous trees and shrubs from Europe, Asia and … Continued

American fringetree

Chionanthus virginicus

Chionanthus virginicus produces magnificent clusters of fringe-like blooms. Slow growing to 20-25’ high and 25’ … Continued


Asimina triloba

This native understory tree or large shrub grows 15-20’ tall (sometimes to 30’) and occurs … Continued

paper bark maple

Acer grisseum

Slow growing to 25’ high, 15-20’ wide. Soft green leaves change to scarlet in fall. … Continued