Clematis ‘Mrs. N Thompson’
Clematis 'Mrs. N Thompson'
Large 4-6″ flowers are deep violet with a vivid scarlet stripe down the petal. Blooms … Continued
Clematis 'Mrs. N Thompson'
Large 4-6″ flowers are deep violet with a vivid scarlet stripe down the petal. Blooms … Continued
Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel'
A heavy flowering cultivar that blooms in late spring and again in late summer. This … Continued
Clematis 'Rebecca'
Gorgeously lush 5- to 7″ bright red blooms with purple undertones and yellow anthers. Incredibly … Continued
Spiraea × vanhouttei
Old-fashioned spirea is often found in established landscapes around older homes. This handsome arching, loose … Continued
Rudbeckia maxima
This incredible wildflower grows 5-7′ tall with glaucous leaves to 10″. Flowers have 4-6″ cones … Continued
Rhus typhina
Grows in any well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of urban conditions. … Continued
Lindera benzoin
Large, multi-stemmed shrubs have aromatic twigs and foliage. Spicebush is an important native plant for … Continued
Clematis ‘Bernadine’
This stunner produces masses of large light blue flowers with contrasting red anthers. It’s amazing … Continued
Clematis ‘Henryi’
Huge pure white flowers cover this vine heavily in May and continue with fewer blossoms … Continued
Macleaya cordata
Fantastic ornate foliage resembles a huge oak leaf and is green overlaid with silver frost. … Continued
Ficus lyrata
Easily grown indoors in a soil-based potting mix in bright indirect light or part shade … Continued
Calycanthus floridus
A dense, rounded deciduous native with a suckering habit with very fragrant, brown to reddish-brown … Continued