Delphinium ‘Guardian Blue’
Delphinium elatum 'Guardian Blue'
Tall spires of bright blue flowers atop strong stems are excellent for cutting and emerge … Continued
Delphinium elatum 'Guardian Blue'
Tall spires of bright blue flowers atop strong stems are excellent for cutting and emerge … Continued
Boltonia asteroides
Small daisy-like flowers open in loose panicles profusely from late summer to early fall. Flowers … Continued
Ceropega woodii
A trailing succulent-like plant native to South Africa with delicate heart-shaped foliage and slender vines … Continued
Oenothera filiformis {Gaura longiflora}
Large-flowered gaura is a great plains prairie plant that establishes quickly to provide late-season bloom. … Continued
Clematis 'Barbara Harrington'
An exceptional late, free-flowering plant raised from clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud and retaining its parent’s … Continued
Clematis 'Sarah Elizabeth'
This distinct, attractive pink clematis almost seems to glow. Masses of flowers appear from late … Continued
Pyracantha angustifolia 'Gnome'
This semi-evergreen shrub is easy to grow and maintain. It can be grown in a … Continued
Filipendula rubra 'Venusta'
A striking 6’ tall beauty with bright, full clusters of pink flowers. Its stems seem … Continued
Colocasia esculenta
Leaves have dramatic green veins that highlight the black background. Loves wet conditions. Gigantic leaves … Continued
Senna {Cassia} marilandica
Maryland wild senna is a perennial flowering native that blooms in summer and grows up … Continued
Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Purplish-red blooms attract pollinators from summer until frost. Long panicles grow an amazing 8″ long … Continued
Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight'
‘Black Kight’ produces striking deep purple blooms from summer through frost. Long panicles grow an … Continued